Kade Chan

kade_chanChan Pak Hei, Kade(born 1993, in Hong Kong) also known as Kade Chan, professional origami artist who specializes in designing origami monster characters, he is also an industrial/graphic designer.

Origami Designs
Year    Model
2007    Man With Heart
2007    Dynastes Hercules
2008    Fiery Dragon ver.1
2008    Scorpion
2008    Cyclops
2008    Alien Warrior
2009    Jigsaw Mask
2009    Harry Potter – Golden Snitch
2009    Abstract landscape – Egypt
2009    Dragon Kaiser
2009    TV Buddy
2009    Face Hugger
2010    Cat in Ancient Egypt
2010    Sphinx
2010    Anubis (Egyptian God of Death)
2010    Werewolf
2010    Bat Triceratops
2010    Devil Cobra
2011    Roman soldier head statue
2011    Peacock
2011    The Disciple
2011    Gargoyle
2011    Megatron
2011    Sparrow
2011    Corn
2011    Steve Jobs head and Apple icon
2012    Eagle 2012
2012    Dollar Bill Heart Ring
2012    Back Pain
2012    Immortal Crane
2012    Rose of Kade Chan
2012    Rilakkuma Origami
2012    Minotaur
2012    Gryphon
2012    Jellyfish Style Origami Lampshade
2012    The Thunderbird
2012    Origami Rose of Janessa
2012    Predator
2013    Walrus
2013    Capricorn
2013    Dollar Bill Origami Pig
2013    Minotaur 2.0
2013    Dragon Fighter
2013    T-REX
2013    Eagle 2013
2013    Fiery Dragon ver.2
2014    The Saiyan
2014    Gryphon Zero
2014    Koi
2014    Godzilla
2014    Requiem Alien Warrior

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